Supply Chain Management

Sourcing and Procurement Excellence

Be Cost Effective. Mitigate Risk.

Sourcing and Procurement goes beyond getting a good price and chasing unit cost. Drive total cost, flexibility, and reliability to unlock the full value of your strategic metrics. We establish bottom-up processes to match top-down strategic objectives that enable your business to execute its overall business strategy 1-2 years faster to get 10-15% cost out and 95+% supplier delivery improvement from all suppliers.

Get The Total Cost Picture

Our deep end-to-end experience in understanding income statements enables our team to map out all associated costs impacted by raw materials. Get a total cost picture that is connected to all functions and accelerates prioritization and buy-in from different functional owners.

Drive Cost, Delivery and Inventory Improvement

Make dramatic performance improvements that impact operations and customer satisfaction. We map out value streams and identify wastes in Spend, Payment Terms, Component Value Analysis and Value Engineering, Vendor Consolidation, Supplier Delivery and Quality. Then we link waste costs and opportunities for improvement to financials and key performance indicators (KPI’s).

Remove Inhibitors Toward Goal Achievement

Remove executional process gaps and any inhibitors of performance toward strategic goal achievement. We align company and operations objectives and link back to supply base requirements. Through our supply and supplier risk assessment our supply chain experts will uncover gaps in capacity, quality, asset management, purchasing/supply base, manufacturing management, warehouse management and product innovation and provide recommendations for improvement.

Eliminate Shortages That Cause Ripple Effects

Permanently eliminate shortages that cause ripple effects in your company’s performance. TBM’s proven approach of mapping and pairing data allows us to connect operational inefficiencies, internal cost issues, and on-time delivery gaps. Then we articulate priorities, immediate impact and impending risk to drive the improvement plans.

Sourcing and Procurement

Download the Sourcing and Procurement Info Sheet

Sourcing and Procurement

Download the Sourcing and Procurement Info Sheet