Welcome back to the Making the Decision to Reshore or Nearshore series. 

You have weighted the advantages and disadvantages of reshoring vs. nearshoring. Now the leadership team has made the decision to reshore your operations closer to home. Now what? 

Tune into Part 3a of our Reshoring vs. Nearshoring series, “Decision Made: Optimizing Operations Processes in Reshoring”. In this episode, VP of Operational Excellence, David Pate, discusses tips for optimizing operational processes for a successful reshoring initiative which include:

  • Implementing lean manufacturing practices
  • Reducing or removing waste and cost
  • Why and when to invest in automation

Complete the form to download the 15-minute webcast recording.



Other episodes in this series:

Part 1: Nearshoring, Reshoring or Do Nothing

Part 2: Advantages and Disadvantages in Nearshoring vs. Reshoring