If your 2024 performance didn’t meet expectations, now is the time to act. Many companies focus on operational improvements but overlook a big question—are your leaders in the right places.

Senior leaders play a critical role in driving results, yet their skill sets may no longer align with the evolving demands of their roles. To improve in 2025, it’s essential to evaluate your leadership teams with the same rigor as other areas of the business. Our VP of Leadership Solutions, Shannon Gabriel, outlines a simple go forward plan for implementing an annual people-focused audit with the goal to realign skills with business goals.

Act Now to Address Growing Jobs-Skills Gaps

Workforce skill sets are evolving rapidly—by 2027, they will have changed by 50%. Companies that delay addressing their job/skills gaps risk missing out on growth opportunities. A recent survey shows 70% of companies are already facing significant skill gaps, with 40% seeing the problem worsen. Acting now will position your company for success.

Three Key Questions for Leadership Reviews

You don’t need a complex or formal process to make progress. Start with these simple yet impactful questions:

  1. How do leaders communicate with their teams? Face-to-face interaction is critical. Regular, in-person communication drives performance and builds team cohesion.
  2. Is accountability lacking in your culture? High-tenure teams can become complacent. Evaluate how roles and responsibilities have evolved to avoid cultural stagnation.
  3. What feedback are you getting as a business leader? Effective CEOs seek regular feedback on their own performance to lead by example and improve leadership accountability.

Don’t Wait—The New Year is Fast Approaching

Waiting until skills gaps become crises is a costly mistake. By implementing straightforward leadership audits, you can strengthen your team, improve performance, and drive growth in 2025.

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