Frequent adjustments for design changes can lead to significant production downtime in the packaging industry, resulting in hundreds of lost units and severely impacting efficiency and profitability.

Standard Work, a lean manufacturing tool, offers a solution by establishing consistent, repeatable production processes.

Dave Hicks, VP of TBM’s Maintenance Excellence Practice, has encountered changeover downtime countless times in the manufacturing companies he has assisted. In this article, he explains how Standard Work helps companies institutionalize detailed procedures to produce products in the safest, easiest, and most effective way possible, utilizing available tools and resources.

Download the article to learn:

  • The three pillars of Standard Work
  • How to apply Standard Work to the changeover process
  • Why the benefits far outweigh the challenges

Read this article to stop changeover downtime and start achieving significant efficiency gains, waste reductions, and higher job satisfaction with Standard Work.

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