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Leadership Solutions

Drive Human Capital Excellence. Accelerate Operational Performance.

A clear connection exists between human capital management and superior operational and financial performance. And when you have good people and a culture of excellence, you create a powerful competitive advantage few peers can touch. We empower your organization to become a world-class employer, putting your company’s future in the hands of unbeatable operations and supply chain teams.

Shaping Elite Operational Leaders

We build operational leaders by enhancing both technical and leadership skills. Using our proprietary “What Good Looks Like” profiles, we identify gaps and tailor development programs to meet individual and organizational needs. Through targeted coaching and development, we cultivate high-value leaders who can motivate winning teams and boost productivity by up to 15%.

Embracing Change: Empowering People and Elevating Performance

Achieving human capital excellence typically requires wide-scale cultural change. Processes and mindsets must evolve to create and sustain a new performance-driven culture where operational excellence is championed by every member of your team. To get there, TBM works with you to customize and implement a change management plan designed to establish the talent structure, discipline, and capabilities that drive winning culture while engaging employees at every step.

Rethinking Talent Management for High-Performance Teams

We go beyond traditional HR approaches to develop strategic talent management processes tailored to operational and supply chain teams. TBM optimizes hiring, enhances retention, and reduces turnover through innovative recruiting, onboarding, and development strategies.

Strategic Leadership, Right When You Need It

When you need experienced leadership, our strategic interim leaders step in quickly, working alongside your team to accelerate results, transfer knowledge, and build lasting capabilities. With hands-on expertise in operations, supply chain, and management, they drive strategic initiatives and ensure sustained success.

Developing Your Frontline Leaders

Often, even top-performing employees promoted to supervisors do not possess the leadership acumen which can result in increased turnover, poor employee engagement and hiring challenges. TBM’s Supervisor Academy prepares both new and existing supervisors with the expertise in guiding teams, engaging employees, and refining processes. This training ensures supervisors are ready to improve production management, support the well-being of their teams and organization, and achieve significant outcomes.


Learn More About The Program →

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Productivity Improvement
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Reduction in Open Requisitions
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Super Categories of Human Capital Success
Case Study

Operational improvements double output and boost contribution margins by $5 million in a rapid turnaround. HR revamp rapidly fills job vacancies and dramatically reduces turnover.

To learn more, contact the TBM leadership solution experts

Shannon Gabriel

Vice President, Leadership Solutions Practice

Shannon Gabriel is Vice President of TBM’s Leadership Solutions practice where she leads the organization’s comprehensive approach to labor strategy, change management and leadership development that impact top-line growth and improve organizational culture.

Leadership Solutions. Drive Human Capital Excellence. Accelerate Operational Performance.
Leadership Solutions

Download the Leadership Solutions Info Sheet

Leadership Solutions

Download the Leadership Solutions Info Sheet


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