Often, even top-performing employees promoted to supervisors do not possess the leadership acumen required to be successful in that role which can result in increased turnover, poor employee engagement and hiring challenges.

Shop floor supervisors play a critical role in shaping the work environment and promoting company values, which is essential for fostering a positive company culture and achieving success. Inadequate managerial skills among supervisors in manufacturing can lead to operational issues, decreased productivity, and increased costs, negatively affecting the company's reputation. 

Leadership training, such as that offered by the TBM Supervisor Academy, is crucial in equipping supervisors with the skills needed for effective production management, enhancing organizational well-being, and leading to positive outcomes. This training focuses on essential areas of leadership, team development, employee engagement, and process improvement, ensuring they are primed to drive daily business outcomes and continuous improvement.

“The value of a true leader is not measured by what they do, but by what they inspire others to do” 

— Simon Sinek

About TBM’s Supervisor Academy

Delivered by TBM’s seasoned manufacturing leadership coaches the Supervisor Academy offers an intensive one-week boot camp followed by three weeks of independent practice and three weeks of individualized follow-on coaching and mentorship. Designed to both nurture new talents and enhance the capabilities of existing manufacturing supervisors, this program combines classroom instruction with on-the-job coaching, focusing on developing a comprehensive skill set for leadership excellence in manufacturing environments.

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